Wow, It’s you! – -.-. .- – .. -.-. .-.. — —

Wow, It’s you!

Hi I’m Olga

I’m a Product Manager with work experience in top Russian tech companies like Yandex and Topface (including products in US market). For the last 3 years I specialized in FinTech (payment systems, banks). Also experienced in restaurant business, FoodTech, Smart City, Dating. Now I work in modern bank and do some funny researches.

+ background, education, LinkedIn

Education: Computer Science specialized in informational design, (2009-2014, St. Petersburg, Russia), currently studying Business Administration in Budapest, Hungary.

Background: software development management, marketing, design.

If you would like to have more details about my job, please check in my LinkedIn profile.

To get in touch

You can reach me with following methods:

Preferred method for messaging is Telegram. Search @caticloo

Two another forbidden in Russia social media for photos and friends: search @caticloo

Also you can read my articles about some interesting for me things on Medium

Directly to E-mail or Meeting

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Use this field to send me any message. It could be anonymous but I prefer to receive your additional data: • your name; • company and position; • return email address to reply • and surely, your message. Thank you, −−− ·−·· −−· ·−
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⚠ Please note before googling my name

I’m not responsible how other people use “caticloo” as their usernames 🙂